WHAT I EAT in a week – Ultra training EP8

Episode 8 of my 10 weeks ultra training.

In this episode i take you along on a new hill workout session and i share what i usually eat in a week.

The hill workout session is again something new.
It’s starting up one hill, running down and up another.
Ones up the other hill, i immediately turn back and run down and up towards where i started.
I repeat this for 6 times.

Each repetition took me around 70 seconds, which isn’t a lot, but i need to focus more on getting more confidence in running downhill.
I know 6 repetitions isn’t a much, but it’s a good base to start upon.

I will repeat this workout in the future and will increase the repetitions.

One additional note about this workout session, this was done under rainy conditions so it was more slippery.
In the future i would like to repeat this under the same conditions, but also under dry conditions.
We’ll see where we get with this!

In the second part of the video i share what i usually eat in a week.
The breakfast of choice, what i eat for lunch, dinner and off course the snacks, hmmmmm snacks…
The amount of food that i eat per day varies depending on how much sports i have done.

If it’s a calm day of only 30 minutes running like on Mondays then i don’t eat as much as on a day that i go for a run of 1h30 and a gym session.
Everything is done in moderation as i don’t want to push too many food in my body when it’s not actually needed.

if you would follow me on Instagram, you would know that in my weekly scale update on Monday that my weight keeps going down, even though i try to make sure that this doesn’t happen.

Working on improving that as i want to grow muscles to reinforce my legs a bit more, but i just keep losing weight.
You can’t build muscles without protein, right?
This is also why i’m making sure that my protein intake is high!

As previously mentioned, i share additional information either in the description of my videos, through shorts or on Instagram.
If you do not want to miss any of the updates then it’s best to subscribe to the channel and to follow me on Instagram.
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gofora.run/

If you have any question or comment, you can always send me a DM on Instagram!

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