Was this a 50K Ultra? – Ultra training EP13

Episode 13 of my 10 weeks ultra training.

This is the highlight of my 10 weeks of training.
The event “The longest day” in Spa.
A trail run of 50Km with an elevation of around 1500 meters.

In the end it turned out to be a bit different.
The actual distance was a bit less, because of this i haven’t reached my goal of running an Ultra of 50K.
Let’s say that this was a big disappointment, especially if you have been training for this for 10 weeks!

The feeling that i have about this, is that i want to make this right and run a real 50K.
This means i will have to run it alone, without any aid stations if i want to complete it during this same month.

This REAL 50K run will also be documented, as this will be a complete new experience in a different environment.

I also tried to complete the race in under 6 hours.
With my moving time i succeeded, but the elapsed time was almost 6h30.
Elevation difference was in total 1444 meters…
In my new attempt i will try to chase that 6 hours again!

During the run i consumed 10 gels in total out of the 12 i had with me. 6 caffeine gels and 4 normal ones.
I also emptied 7 water bottles of 500ml each, in each water bottle i placed 2 hydration tablets to make sure i got enough electrolytes and salt.

In the end i noticed that i was getting a bit dehydrated, luckily i managed to fix this at the final aid station at 35K.

If you would like to find out if i will make it, do not forget to subscribe to the channel and click the notification bell to be alerted when the video has been uploaded!

Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/49431423
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gofora.run/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@gofora_run/

If you have any question or comment, you can always send me a DM on Instagram!

See you later…

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