Training for a 50K ULTRA – Ultra Training EP1

Hi Everybody,

In this 10 week period i will take you along my journey to train for a 50K ultra.

If you have watched the marathon series not so long ago, you know that i’ve trained for 18 weeks to run my very first marathon.

Which by the way, i completed in 3h40:10 seconds on March 26th, yeah baby!

In that marathon training, my condition improved significantly so i wanted to take that advantage over into Ultra training.

On April 3rd i officially started this new training block. The Ultra is 69 days later, on June 10th.

I will run a race “The Longest Day” in Spa, Belgium.

This will be a 50K trail with +1500meters elevation difference!

The focus for this block will be different, as you don’t need to train in the same way as for a marathon.

Key points will be:

– Improve Endurance

– Get Stronger

– Improve Nutrition (as i struggled during my marathon!)

– Optimise recovery as the long runs are really getting long 😱

My program will consist of running every day.

2 bike and 2 gym sessions spread across the week.

+ recovery sessions including cold baths, stretching and massage gun.

Run workouts will focus more on handling elevation differences.

I’m not going to focus on increasing my speed, if i can keep my current easy pace speed of around 11Km/h then that’s fine, but i can also live with a 10Km/h pace.

On the level of nutrition i’m also further improving myself.

I started for example to keep track of the things that i eat (not like a maniac, but in big lines to have an idea about calories, carb and protein intake, etc…) In one of the upcoming episodes i will share more information on exactly what i’m doing.

I can already share however that i decided to not eat meat during these 10 weeks!

As mentioned in the video, i will be sharing additional information either in the description of my videos, through shorts or on Instagram.

If you do not want to miss any of the updates then it’s best to subscribe to my YouTube channel and to follow me on Instagram. If you have any questions or comments send me a DM on Instagram!

See you soon!


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