Pushing MY limits – Ultra training EP12

Episode 12 of my 10 weeks ultra training.

As you could see in the previous video, i need to improve in running uphill and also get better in running in warmer temperatures.
This will be the red line throughout the next 2 weeks in preparation for my first 50K Ultra on June 10th.
I don’t want to blow up as on my UTMB event!

My long run in this video consisted of 40Km in total with a bit over 800 meters of elevation.
Temperatures were around 20 degrees Celsius when i started, but they quickly climbed to 24 degrees.
This run was not easy, the elevation in combination with the heat got me again.
Not that i blew up like previously, but hydration doesn’t seem to be on point yet.

During my run i drank in total around 3L of water (5 water bottles of 500ML, each containing a SiS hydration tablet, and 2 other occasions that i drank when i stopped at home to refill my bottles).
And i still got light headed! Going to train further in these temperatures and hope to become better at it.

Also making sure i’ve got enough liquids with me, don’t want to run into any troubles…

The big event is coming closer and for the moment the temperatures seem to remain high so i’m mentally preparing myself for a warm day, running 50Km and doing 1500 meters of elevation.

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