

The plan is the same as every week…
Start the week nice and easy.

But my sleep was already not great, I felt tired.
The muscles themselves also hurt due to my last S&C session from the previous week!

First run was on the treadmill at an easy pace already at 7am.

In the late afternoon did a Zwift bike workout session consisting of 2 times 6 minutes of 190W.
Heart rate finally went a bit higher during the bike session… Ow yeah!


Total required volume for the day 10Km.

Splitted it up in 2 runs of 5Km each.
The first run was with Matitas during our lunch break.
As mentioned previously, he is still building up his distance, so we run really slow.

In the late afternoon did my 2nd run on the treadmill.

Overall during both runs, the hip/right leg didn’t felt great, Tuesday was more of an off day feeling wise.
During the second run, my right leg also started to cramp up…
Because of this i decided to add a stretching session of 11 minute to remove some tightness in my legs.


The discomforts continue, don’t really understand what is going on.
It’s even feeling worse than during the weekend, instead of making any progress i feel like it’s going in the wrong direction…

For the run i went outside since i’m afraid if i keep limiting myself to treadmill running, that i will not be properly prepared for my marathon in Amsterdam.

If i look at my HRV score on my watch i do notice that it’s not good, it seems like my body is fighting something.
I usually notice that if my HRV score is bad, that my performance is also bad.


Even though i’m not feeling great, i remain consistent and do my 10Km as i had foreseen!

Did this run again on the treadmill.
Still not sure which shoes to wear…

I will need to choose between Hoka Rocket X2 or Nike Vaporfly Next %2.

HRV score still terrible!


Another outside run at a bit of a faster pace.

You know what that means, i was feeling a bit better, otherwise i wouldn’t be able to reach these paces!

Also another run with the Hoka Rocket X2’s.
Thinking more and more to use them for the marathon.
Difficult to make up my mind!


Shake Shake Shakeout run…

Kept it short and at an recovery pace.
Since it was already in the evening, didn’t wanted to use too much energy… I need my energy for my half marathon on Sunday!

The run went great and i wanted to pick up the pace, but i kept myself under control to not mess anything up.


My last long run of my training block.

Oh boy, was i nervous for this… Already woke up earlier than my alarm clock but had a very good night.
Felt well rested and looking forward in running the half marathon to test out what i can do!

HR was not great, but i expected this.
It was a confirmation that i lost some overall condition due to my lower back problems from the last weeks.

But still if you look at my performance, i reached my goal for my final long run.
My 2nd best half marathon time, resulting in 1 hour 37 minutes 59 sec.

The shoes that i used for this run are the Nike Vaporfly Next %2.
And they will also be the shoes that i will use in the marathon!

But it will still remain a big question mark if i will be able to reach the paces from today for an entire marathon…

To be continued.


The total distance of this week is already a lot higher than last week.
This was done on purpose since i knew that my condition was slowly getting worse instead of better.

This week was one final push to hopefully make myself a little bit stronger.
Which i hope in the end will be sufficient on the 15th of October.

Cross your fingers for me…

That’s all the information I have to share about my fifth week of training for project 3:20!

If you have any questions or remarks, drop a comment down below or send me a DM on instagram!

73 Km

6h34 minutes

365 meters

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