FIRST long TRAIL run – Ultra Training EP2

Episode 2 of my 10 weeks ultra training.

In this episode i take you along my Sunday long run of 3h30.

In the end of the video i also show how i’m doing my recovery with the help of a message bal, stick and foam roller.

I wanted to test out my nutrition again during this run.

Since i had issues during my marathon, i need to figure out what went wrong and how i can make sure that i avoid a similar issue in the future!

Breakfast was the same as usual, check out my Instagram reel if you would like to know what i ate.

This breakfast was around 3 hours before my run.

Usually it’s recommended to eat 2 – 3 hours before your long run, depending what you are planning to eat off course.

Just before starting the run i took a SiS Beta fuel nootropics gel (200mg caffeine).

Every 30 minutes i took another gel, this was either a SiS GO isotonic gel (22g carbs) or a SiS Beta fuel gel (40g carbs).

The original plan was to take a second nootropics gel at 2h30, but since i felt already a bit tired around 2h i switched the gels up to give me a well needed boost.

I knew that it was going to be a bit warmer (16 degrees Celsius) than we are used to the last weeks so had some additional water in the car.

Started off taking 2 x 500ml water bottles with me, in one bottle i did a SiS hydration tablet to keep my electrolytes in balance.

I refilled one bottle around 2h and added a second hydration tablet.

In total i drank 1,5L.

The long run ended up being 32,7Km in 3h30.

Elevation difference was around 350 meters in total.

During the run i also took a total of 23 minutes to rest, film, eat or to have 4 pee breaks 😀

Recovery is very important, i included this as part of my training program. During the week it’s limited to cold baths, but in the weekend i also include stretching and the use of massage tools.

I didn’t had the need to use a massage gun, i haven’t used it, but i did use a massage bal, stick and foam roller to loosen up my feet, calves and hamstrings.

When doing a lot of elevation, i know that my hamstrings suffer from it.

Let’s say i learned my lesson in the past!

If you are interested in the massage kit i use from Decathlon, here is the link to the product:

This will take you to the Belgian Decathlon website, if you are from another country, you can search on the Decathlon website for reference: 4020108

As mentioned in the video, this costs 25€

Week 1 has been completed.

Hereby the full training program that i did:

30 minutes easy pace run
30 minutes Zwift bike session

1 hour easy pace run

Tempo run with 15 minutes warm-up and cool-down
2 blocks of 15 minutes at lactate threshold pace (4:40-4:49/Km) with 5 minutes easy in between.

Cold bath

1 hours easy pace run

32 minutes strength & conditioning:
Lower body:
3 x 10 body weights squats
3 x 10 lunges per side

Upper body:
3 x 5 DB curls (6Kg/DB)
2 x 10 DB side raises (6Kg/DB)
2 x 10 DB overhead press (6Kg/DB)
2 x 20 ab crunches legs elevated
2 x 10 close grip push ups

Hill repetitions run with 15 minutes warm-up and cool-down
6 repetitions of 45 seconds each running up-hill with 2 minutes in between each repetition to go back down

1h30 minutes easy pace run

34 minutes strength & conditioning:
3 x 10 push ups
3 x 10 DB overhead press (6Kg/DB)
3 x 10 DB curls (6Kg/DB)
3 x 10 goblet squat body weight
3 x 10 calve raises
3 x 10 DB rear delt (6Kg/DB)

30 minutes Zwift bike session

3h30 minutes long run

Stretching + massage with bal, stick and foam roller (forgot the cold bath)

Total running distance: 92Km
Total running time: 9h14 minutes
Total running elevation: 1023 meters

As previously mentioned, i share additional information either in the description of my videos, through shorts or on Instagram. If you do not want to miss any of the updates then it’s best to subscribe to my YouTube channel and to follow me on Instagram. If you have any question or comment, you can always send me a DM on Instagram!

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