Let me properly introduce myself 🙂

My name is Siggy and I live in Belgium.

Here are some additional details about myself:
Date of birth: 19 August 1987
Partner: Cindy (She also helps me a lot behind the scenes!)
Children: 5 (we are a combined family)

I’m running since January 1st 2020…
And yes you got it right, I started running as my New Years resolution!

We have 1 dog (Koekie) and 1 cat (Lina).

I work for an international company as a Lead Network Engineer in IT.
I’m sure you couldn’t have guessed that…

Furthermore I’m also busy completing my high school degree in the evenings, so as you can see, I’ve got a very busy life.

I couldn’t do all of this without the support of my girlfriend Cindy, that’s for sure! But you can be sure that she knows how grateful I’m for her support!

My personality is that I don’t like negativity in my life, I like to laugh and enjoy life to the fullest.
Running has changed my life enormously and I started my presence on social media to share everything that I’ve learned (and will learn) with everyone else in the hope this can also change your life in a positive way!

We usually underestimate ourselves, well I always did anyway!
But if I see what I already accomplished, and what I hope to accomplish in the future, then I know that there is no limit, it’s you that define that limit…

My daily motto is: Be Positive. Be Motivated. Be Strong!
And that is how I try to live my life, and if things get though I repeat that phrase in my head over and over.

If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to drop me a DM on Instagram!


Siggy en Emma
Cindy 1